Thursday, November 10, 2011

Discover the Magnificent Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot!

The Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot has its origins in the coastal regions of Mexico. They are found in tropical and sub-tropical rain forests, savannahs and mangrove swamps in addition to Belize, Honduras and Guatemala. They can even be found in cultivated areas as long as there are trees at hand for nesting.

Due to their nesting habitats being destroyed through deforestation, illegal trade and poaching these magnificent birds are now considered rare and have been added to the endangered species list.

Many people are drawn to the Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot by its flashy coloring. If you believe this is the parrot for you, you need to keep in mind that this will be a long-term commitment as these brilliantly colored birds can live from 60 to 80 years.

However, if you are willing to take on this commitment, you will enjoy many hours of companionship, pleasure and entertainment.

Even though they are on the endangered species list Yellow Headed Amazons are bred in captivity and are widely available as pets. Along with the African Gray Parrot they are one of the most popular parrot species. This is due to their beautiful plumage and their gift for vocalization. They run a close second to the African Grey, which is considered to be the number one "talker" among parrots.

The ability to talk can vary widely from bird to bird. Some Yellow Headed Amazons are outstanding talkers, while others may never "speak" at all. Even if they don't pick up many words, they still love attention and will be loud and playful to try to get it. Yellow Headed Amazon Parrots are extremely playful, funny, active and intelligent birds.

Many people say that this is the loudest species of parrot! But if you are willing to put in a little time and training it shouldn't be too difficult to replace the screeching with human speech.

Just like all parrots, their diet and nutrition are are one of most important factors in their health. As pets these birds will bloom on a high quality diet of commercial pelleted food as the staple, along with fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and grains.

The Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot uses it's beak to crack seeds and nuts. Their sturdy, hooked beaks are also useful for climbing, grasping and exploring their environment. They use their feet, as well as their beaks, for climbing. The way their feet are made, with two toes pointing forwards and two toes pointing backwards they are well suited for grasping.

Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot generally grow to be over a foot in length, even up to 15 or 16 inches. The female, just like most other species, is slightly smaller than the male.

When choosing a cage for your bird you need to get the largest one you can afford. It would be even better if you could house your parrot in an aviary as this is considered the best environment for them. The more room they have the more they are able to move around and fly freely. They can also do well in large cages as long as they get to spend time out of them each day, time interacting with their human families and have plenty of toys and branches to play with and chew on.

If you don't provide enough mental stimulation and socialization your bird may develop destructive (and self destructive) behaviors.

If you are seeking a brilliantly colored and majestic companion with a keen intellect, in addition to a playful and loving nature, then you can fill the bill with a Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot.

The author, Karla Deacon, is an expert parrot enthusiast. For more great information on the Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot visit

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